
Schnieders on team awarded $2M NIH grant to grow Iowa biotech talent
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Michael Schnieders, University of Iowa professor of biomedical engineering and faculty affiliate of the Iowa Technology Institute, Mark Arnold, professor of chemistry, and Maria Spies, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, have been awarded a grant for the Iowa Biotech-TP: Predoctoral Program in Biotechnology.

Schnieders among five to receive Iowa Mid-Career Faculty Scholar Awards
Wednesday, May 25, 2022
Michael Schnieders is a leader in using physics-based simulation and modeling to understand protein structure, work that has important applications in areas such as genetics, drug design, and disease diagnostics.

Imagining the possibilities of personalized medicine
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
Fifth-year Biomedical Engineering PhD student Mallory Tollefson is imagining the possibilities of personalized medicine. And when she says personalized, she means it.

Tollefson receives AAUW fellowship
Thursday, October 14, 2021
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has awarded a 2021-22 American Fellowship to University of Iowa student Mallory Tollefson.

The Daily Iowan: Guowei Qi becomes fifth Churchill Scholar from UI
Sunday, April 11, 2021
After four years at the University of Iowa, Guowei Qi will attend the University of Cambridge in October to conduct research as one of 17 Churchill Scholars in the nation.

Iowa students named 2021 Goldwater Scholars
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Jack Lynn is one of two University of Iowa students who have been named 2021 Goldwater scholars.

ITI contributes to discovery through artificial intelligence at University of Iowa
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Iowa Technology Institute faculty affiliates are helping "power discovery" through artificial intelligence at the University of Iowa, including Shaoping Xiao, Michael Schnieders, Xiaodong Wu, and Stephen Baek.